El Niño

On the margins of the road to Caravaca de la Cruz, El Niño de Mula is located, which today has 140 inhabitants and is the nearest hamlet to Mula along with La Puebla de Mula. It will become important with the construction of the Chapel of the Child of Mule and its growing devotion during the eighteenth century. The image of the Child is from 1940 and is kept in the hermitage which is entirely baroque. For muleños, and devotees of the image, there are two large days in September, one is on September 8, known as “La Bajada”, when the image of the Child leaves the hermitage to go down to Mula accompanied by thousands of faithful and the other, on September 22, known as “The Day of the Pilgrimage”, when in the early morning the Child leaves the Convent of the Incarnation to return again to his hermitage accompanied by thousands of pilgrims. At the end of the pilgrimage, people stay to eat in areas near the village to return to Mula in the afternoon.

february, 2025

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