
Mula was early settled. The first proofs of humans found are from Paleolitic, 40.000 years ago, but it will be in the Neolitic, with the development of agricultura, when the population grew. Among the different cultures, the most important to mention is the iberian, not only for the quality but also the amount of information the materials found have provided. They can be visited in the Iberian Art Museun “ El Cigarralejo”.

From Roman period we find the site “ Los Villaricos” ( from I to V century a.C ). It is located in the Pantano de la Cierva road.

In the 713 aC, like the Tudmir Covenant Agreement set out, Mula is handed over to the muslim invasors in exchange of keeping their gods, customs and religión. The place will be given is what we know today as “ El Cerro de la Almagra” , placed next to los Baños de Mula.

At the urban level, the muslim invasión involved the most drastic change for Mula History , since with it, the settlement will be moved , between the 9th and 10th , to the place where Mula is placed today.

The Infante Alfonso, the future Alfonso X, will find and reconquer it for Christians.

The King Fernando III awarded “ el Fuero de Córdoba”, so Mula will become in a royal castilian town.

Thanks to the Reino de Granada conquest, Mula will be free and , both , territory and population will be increased, giving way to a prosperous sixteenth century.
However the 17th century will be terrible economically and the christians will look for hope in the miracles, thus , the appearance of El Niño de Mula to the sheperd Pedro Botía was in this century.

This fact will leave a mark in the religious life of the city: the 18th century will be a good time again, churches, San Francisco convent, streets and other publics works will be done.

In the 19th and 20th centuries the growing of olive, vine and mulberry will be introduced, and in the 20th century some factories will be built, all this promoted the canning industry in the city.

The railway was opened in 1933 and it was working until the seventies.

In those years the Embalse de la Cierva , the Taibilla piping system and the irrigation sytem modernization were built to make the best use of water. New streets and buildings were created.


february, 2025

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